Ahh, the doghouse. I met Bob after returning from college at UCSB to Redwood City and starting Doghouse Studio with my band, streetdogs.  He used to buy me drinks at The Answer, one of Redwood City's two, and the peninsula's only, gay bars - now long gone. One day Bob Keislar tagged along and after the bar closed the three of us wound up at Bob's apartment where I quite nervously speculated that something would happen between those two. Thankfully it did not (I don't think anyway, but I might well have passed out or left to find my dog) but after that Bob became another regular participant in the doghouse goings on.


ob may well have taken this picture that night  in his Redwood City Apartment




















It was ample space in a warehouse set up to record and with a stage for rehearsing bands and parties. We found a coke machine, stocked it with beer and packed the place every Saturday night for several years 1980 - 1985.



Even though I left the state at that point (I'd graduated from Bob buying me drinks to Bob buying me a truck when I got accepted to med school) Bob and the rest of the streetdogs and even the rest of my family were still hanging out together when I returned 17 years later.





Bundy Brown

Sean Kennedy

Bob Keislar

















How did Bob get on a streetdogs album cover you ask? Well, this is a song by John Robinson written the night John Lennon was killed. When I went to publish the song on i-tunes and the like, the copyright bots spotted the likeness of Lennon immediately and nixed the listing (original cover below). Adamich just seemed right for the part.


click to listen




What Rock and Roll endeavor is complete without a limo and I took many a journey in this chariot since Bob freely lent both vehicle and driving services to myself, the supreme commander and other members of the canine elite with similarly grandiose titles.













Me and Elliot Smith who had a studio across the street*




*Since it was a clandestine facility, requiring top secret clearance, no pictures of the interior of doghouse studio, save this one taken in the front office, exist.












When I got a letter saying "wanna be a doctor? Be in Philly in 4 days Bob took me down to the local Ford dealer and bought me this Ford Ranger, and it was the end of an ERA









For his birthday one year, we bought Bob an answering machine and then started to leave him increasingly inane messages which he was quite amused by. So much so in fact that he saved that machine from the mid 80's until just before his death when he gave it to me hoping I could transfer the messages to another audio format, which I finally did but couldn't play them for him because he had become too distracted.





streetdogs  1977


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